Review: The "Best" Nib for a Modern Calligraphy Beginner - Testing Out 5 Different Nib Types
Hello! Welcome back to the blog. Today I'll be talking about my thoughts on 5 very popular nibs and which ones I think are best for modern calligraphy beginners. To be honest, this is probably the only calligraphy related post I'm qualified to write about, since I actually am a beginner at modern calligraphy. I tested out 5 nibs that I seemed to read about everywhere - calligraphy blogs, art supply websites, instagram, the list goes on and on... well, actually the list stops with those three, but still! That's a lot of places for the same nibs to show up. One of my favorite calligraphy/illustration blogs, The Postman's Knock ( if you want to learn anything and everything about calligraphy or see awesome tutorials, you need to go there!) discussed these five nibs in a blog post so I had to try them out for myself. Here are the nibs I will be reviewing (listed left to right): 1. Nikko G 2. Brause Steno or "Blue Pumpkin" 3. Brause Rose 4. Brause...