
Showing posts from October, 2017

Review: Daniel Smith Extra Fine Essentials Introductory Watercolor Set

Long time, no blog post! I recently rediscovered my hobby of watercolors so I'm back painting, and back on the blog - yay! Today I will be reviewing the Daniel Smith Extra Fine Essentials Introductory Watercolor Set.  It comes with (6) 5mL tubes of paint: (3) cool primary colors: Hansa Yellow Light, Quinacridone Rose, and Phthalo Blue (GS)  (3) warm  primary colors: New Gamboge, Pyrrol Scarlet, and French Ultramarine Daniel Smith watercolors are one of the go-to choices when it comes to artist grade watercolors so I wanted to try them out for myself...on a budget. Buying these colors individually would cost you around 40 dollars, while you can get them as a set for $32-$34.  Enough savings to buy yourself a new paint brush, so it's definitely a reasonable price if you're just starting out with artist grade watercolors (like myself). Let's take a look at the colors and how they perform: If you find yourself running ...